Use our secure online patient portal to manage your personal healthcare account and to pay your bill.
Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions concerning the patient portal. For additional questions or technical issues with this portal during normal business hours, 请与我们联络.
- 如何编辑我的个人资料信息?
- How do I edit how my contact preferences for different types of notifications?
- 我如何查看我的保险信息?
注意: The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice.
注意: The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice.
- 我如何查看我的帐户余额?
- 我怎样询问我的账户余额?
- 我怎样付款?
- 我如何查看我的付款记录?
- 我如何查看我的对账单?
- 我如何管理我的信用卡和借记卡?
- Why doesn't anything happen when I click "View Detail" or "View Receipt?"
The 病人门户 is an online service that provides patients secure access to their health information. Various features may be available on the portal at your practice's discretion, including the ability to send messages to your health care providers, 的日程安排, 在网上支付账单. top
Any active patient may be eligible to register for and use the 病人门户. 如果你得到授权, a family access account can be created that will allow you to access selected family members' health information. top
All communications between you and your provider's office are carried over a secure, 加密连接. This secure connection utilizes industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure secure data transmission as well as server-side digital certificate authentication. 禁止未经授权的访问, all medical information is stored behind our firewall in our electronic medical record system.
You should always make sure that the email address on file for your account is accurate, as notifications from the portal are sent to the email address on file. Make sure to sign out of your account each time you are finished using the portal. top
Change your password immediately by completing one of the following options:
- 登录病人门户,转到 安全设置,并重置密码.
- 点击 忘记密码了 on the sign-in page and enter your email address to request a password reset email.
- Contact your provider's office and request a password reset email. top
在登录页面上,单击 忘记密码了 and enter your email address to request a password reset email. top
Your test results PIN is required to retrieve your test results over the phone. You may ask the office to reset your PIN, or you may follow these steps:
- 单击 我的资料 选项卡.
- Select 测试结果.
- 输入你的新密码.
- 单击 保存 button.
Please contact your provider's office to register or to verify your information. top
单击 签署了 屏幕右上方的链接. 另外, 如果您的键盘闲置了10分钟或更长时间, you will receive a pop-up window asking if you are still actively using the portal. 如果没有单击 OK 按钮,您将自动注销. Any information you have typed and not saved or sent will be lost.
注意: Do not use a public computer to access your health information. top
- 电子邮件地址
- 使用电脑和互联网
要注册患者门户,请单击 今天就报名 链接到登录页面,然后输入您的信息. top
登录病人门户, 输入密码, 出生日期和电话号码在登录页面上, 然后点击 登录 button. top
- 单击 我的资料 选项卡.
- 单击 编辑 link.
- 根据需要更新您的信息.
- 单击 提交 button.
How do I edit how my contact preferences for different types of notifications?
- 点击 我的资料 选项卡.
- Select 我的通知.
- Indicate your contact preferences for different types of notifications.
- 单击 保存 button.
注意: 门户用户无法停用电子邮件通知, 因为至少需要一种通信方法. top
- 单击 我的资料 选项卡.
- Select 保险.
注意: If your insurance information has changed, please contact your provider's office. top
- 单击 任命 选项卡. 您安排的约会将显示在下面 即将到来的约会.
- 单击 重新安排 出现在您的预约日期下方的链接.
- 从日历中选择一个可用的约会.
- 单击 重新安排预约 button.
注意: The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. top
It is at your practice's discretion to allow online appointment scheduling. If your practice does not allow online appointment scheduling, you can request an appointment by sending a message to your provider. 这样做:
- 单击 消息 选项卡.
- 单击 组成信息 button.
- 选择 约会和日程安排 从消息类型下拉菜单中选择.
- Select your provider, office location, and your preferred time of day and days of week.
- 键入主题和信息.
- 单击 发送 button.
单击 任命 选项卡. 您安排的约会将显示在下面 即将到来的约会. top
- 单击 任命 选项卡.
- Select 医疗表格.
- 单击所需的表单. Forms with a computer icon can be 完成 and submitted online, 而带有打印机图标的表单可以打印出来, 完成, 和你一起去看医生.
注意: The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice. top
Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print forms on the portal. 在医疗表格页面上, 您将看到一条说明此需求的注释, 还有免费下载这个程序的链接. top
- 单击 任命 选项卡.
- Select 过去的.
- 选项中选择所需的时间范围 过去的约会 下拉菜单.
注意: The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice.
- 单击 消息 选项卡.
- 单击 组成信息 button.
- 选择 message type from the dropdown options based on the topic of your question.
- 选择您的供应商和办公地点.
- 键入主题和信息.
- 单击 发送 button
Your provider's office will make every effort to respond to your messages within a timely manner. 请不要期望在周末或节假日回复. If you need to speak with the office sooner, please call the office directly. Urgent matters should not be dealt with via the 病人门户. top
- 单击 消息 选项卡.
- Select 收件箱.
- 单击收件箱中所需的邮件以阅读该邮件.
不能永久删除已发送或存档的邮件. This is because all messages that you send and receive in the 病人门户 are part of your medical record. top
注意: The availability of this feature is at the discretion of your practice.
单击 计费 选项卡. Your list of charges will be listed by date of visit, followed by your account balance, under 网上缴交的最新收费. top
- 单击 消息 选项卡.
- 选择组成 消息.
- 选择 帐单及付款 从消息类型下拉菜单中选择.
- 选择您的供应商和办公地点.
- 键入主题和信息.
- 单击 发送 button.
单击 计费 选项卡. Your list of charges will be listed by date of visit, followed by your account balance, under 网上缴交的最新收费. top
Log in to your 病人门户 account with your email address and password.
点击 计费 在这一页的左边. 出现“账单支付”页面.
选择要支付的费用. 默认情况下,选择所有收费.
If you do not want to pay a selected charge at this time, clear the check box. 有关收费的详细信息,请单击 查看详细信息.
如果惯例允许部分付款, you can change the amount in the Payment column to indicate that you are paying only part of a charge at a time.
点击 付款. 患者门户将您转移到安全的支付服务器.
在“付款”页面, 选择付款方式.
- If you previously paid a charge on the 病人门户 and saved your card number for future payments, 你可以选择那张卡付款.
- 要输入新的卡号,请单击 用另一张卡付款 并输入卡片信息. 确认或输入您的帐单地址.
点击 审查付款.
在审查和提交步骤, 查看你的信用卡信息, 您的帐单地址, 还有要付的费用.
点击 提交付款.
点击 打印收据 打印此页以作记录.
点击 回到账单支付 to return to the Bill Pay page to make another payment or to review your account.
- Log in to your 病人门户 account with your email address and password.
- 点击 计费 & 支付 在这一页的左边. 出现“账单支付”页面.
- 选择 付款历史 选项卡.
- 单击 计费 选项卡.
- Select 语句.
- 选择您想要查看的患者陈述.
- 单击 查看详细 link
- 单击 计费 选项卡.
- Select 付款方法.
- 从这里你可以:
- 点击 添加一张信用卡 为将来的付款留一张新卡.
- 点击 缺席 将保存的卡设置为默认付款方式.
- 单击 删除 从门户中删除已保存卡片的链接.
Why doesn't anything happen when I click "View Detail" or "View Receipt?"
Adobe Acrobat is required to view and print statements and forms on the 病人门户. 当你点击 计费 选项卡, 您将看到一条说明此需求的注释, 还有免费下载这个程序的链接. top
It is at your provider's discretion to make test results available. Your provider must authorize the release of your test results in order for them to post to your 病人门户 account. Only test results which are considered appropriate for release will be accessible through the 病人门户. top
- 单击 消息 选项卡.
- Select 组成信息.
- Select 处方和补药 从消息类型下拉菜单中.
- 选择您的供应商和办公地点.
- 键入主题和信息.
- 单击 发送 button.